Saturday, October 2, 2010

Humbled by HIS Everlasting Love!

Only a year ago I was writing such inspirational blogs on here, about the standards I had set for myself with men, and how I would wait for God to bring me the right one... it's amazing how quickly you can fall into exactly what you don't want to fall for the moment you let your guard down. It takes no time at all for temptation to fester inside of you...

I have learned an important lesson that as a Christian woman, I can't listen to that old adage "follow your heart." The heart can be the most deceiving part on a woman's body. It desires so much more than her spirit can handle; a man who can provide her every want and need. When the truth is, there is only ONE who can satisfy every woman AND man's want and need.

It doesn't matter if your male or female, fat or skinny, tall or short... God created us ALL alike in one sense that our brains are all located in the same place: our heads. The purpose of this is for us to use our HEADS to think, and not our hearts... or other body parts as some like to accuse men of thinking with...

A year ago, I battled between my head and my heart and unfortunately in the end, I let my heart win. I made the conscious choice to follow my heart, all the while my mind was screaming at me to get my attention, until I finally muted it. And now I am left once again to pick up all of the pieces from the heart break that I knowingly walked straight into. There is nobody for me to blame but myself. I could have used my head and taken a completely different path, but I didn't.

How many times will I do this to myself before I learn a true lesson in WAITING ON THE LORD???!!!! I don't have an answer for that. I'd like to be able to say, "never again" but being that I am only human, all I can really promise myself is that I will try harder not to be so selfish and impatient the next time. But here is one thing I do know for sure: God is working in me. Once again, he is teaching me a lesson from my mistakes and helping me to grow in His love. He has yet again proven to be the one "guy" that has stayed with me all the way. I don't deserve His love but oh, how grateful I am for it!

How does anybody take advantage of such a PERFECT love? What makes us worthy of it when He knows we aren't always going to be faithful in our relationship with Him? God demonstrates the kind of love no human will ever be able to perfect in their own lives, though it's not an excuse to not try: forgiveness and mercy.

This doesn't mean that the feelings your heart produces are all wrong. But I believe that if you follow God first, using your head to make reasonable choices, your heart will follow with more reasonable feelings. Without a brain a human can't live. Likewise, without a beating heart a human is dead. The two work together to keep us alive, and to keep love alive. It's a team effort and one can't go at it all alone.

I could ramble on forever, but I'll leave it with this passage from my (always) favorite book, Lady in Waiting:

"When a single woman experiences a prolonged period of datelessness, loneliness tempts her to compromise her conviction concerning dating a growing Christian. Her dateless state may pressure her to surrender to the temptation of dating an unbeliever. She may justify such a date in the guise of being a witness for Jesus. Many single women have been trapped emotionally with an unbeliever when it all began with "missionary dating." Ponder this: Every unbelieving marriage partner arrived as an unbeliever on the first date. As trite as it may seem, every date is a potential mate. Avoid dating an unbeliever... You must set a higher standard and resist dating a guy who is not growing in his intimacy with Christ."

1 comment:

  1. I'll tell you this April, I have never had a date, a kiss, or believed a guy was sincere in what they said, mayber they were. I will tell you this, there are so many times I wish with all my heart that I could get a guy to generally want to take me on a date. I know it is for the companionship. I have learned and am reminded all the time that my companionship is with the Lord. I see it everytime I hear of anothers heartbreak or issues. "how can I find enough time for him/her." I know I am blessed to just wait. Regardless of the batches of lonlieness, I am glad i am still waiting. And I believe I've still got the right person waiting, but in God's timing not mine.
