Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I want to clarify for some people that when I talk about my past "negative" encounters with Christians I am not referring to the Church family I grew up in; I am referring to individuals from all over my life, not all from the same congregation. I love the Church family that I was raised in very much and consider myself blessed to have them in my life; they played a very large role in making me the woman I am today (the good side of me, not including the mistakes I've made) and anyone who knows me well enough knows and understands my love for my family by now. So when I talk about the past, please know that I don't mention names for a reason. It's not to have my readers jump to conclusions and assume they know who I'm talking about. Chances are most people are wrong about who they assume I'm referring to. I keep names out to respect privacy. But it needs to be understood that I do not write a blog unless I am convicted to do so, thus the reason I haven't blogged in a few months which I'll get to in my next post. I am not exaggerating when I say that there have been MANY people who've expressed how helpful, inspirational, and spiritually encouraging my blogs have been for them. Those are the people God puts on my heart to write for and I will not deny those convictions. However, there have been a few viewers who have understandably but mistakenly took offense to what I wrote. Unfortunately, these people weren't even mentioned in my blog and I never meant anything even slightly to be directed towards them.
So please do me a favor, if you want to read my blogs, focus on the message I'm bringing and not who or what personal encounters I'm talking about. It's not my intention to toot my horn when I say that God has blessed me with a gift and a passion to write for others, and I do not want to deny His will for me. I consider these blogs a part of my ministry and therefore, it is important to me that I don't write anything to intentionally hurt people. So if there are any questions or thoughts about what I write, whether they be positive or negative, PLEASE do not go to someone else about it. Chances are, I could clarify what I meant by what I wrote better than any second party could. And if I am at fault for saying something offensive then I do sincerely apologize because that is never my intention with my blogs. I only want to write about my life as a way to encourage others, never to hurt them. InGodsHands8506@gmail.com Please feel free to always email me with your thoughts or concerns, any time.

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