Sunday, August 9, 2009

You Captured My Heart Again

6/17/2008 - i came across this in my journal tonight and wanted to share it.

"In your eyes I see admiration for a woman I could hardly recognize if it weren't for the way you love me. This blessed feeling beyond happiness fulfills my desire for living life one breath at a time with my best friend to hold my hand and reassure me that any trial can be overcome, and to remind me that my life will never have to be empty again. This lack of fear for a pain that kills worst than a murderer is absent from my mind, soul, and the heart that beats for your love so true. I will never have to hesitate the words "I Love You"-- they will always flow out of my mouth easier than any song I've ever sung. And my prayers will remain fervently on our walk, that we'll some day join together in one life bigger than any world I could have drawn in my own mind. Our life together will have no ending for it starts with a beautiful beginning and only stops when you lay down the pen and paper. You are forever the author of my love story."

......I still feel this way for you Lord, but deeper!

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