Monday, August 17, 2009

With God, there is no void!

Okay, so here it is; the blog I wasn't going to post yesterday. But there's a twist on it from what I was going to write originally. However, I want to clarify ahead of time that I don't mean this to come across selfish, prideful, or anything of that sort. In fact, some of you might find through what I'm about to write that I've come a long way from who I was before and it is only by the grace of God who is the one transforming my heart to set higher standards for myself.


*To watch love grow between me and a friend, not to pursue a man I just met.
*To be respected and to learn to respect a man more.
*To have a man who will take time out to study the word and pray with me so we can grow spiritually together.
*To be equally yoked.
*Someone who will do service for others and go on mission trips with me.
*To be admired for the woman I am on the inside, not on the outside.
*To get out and do things! Reserving money is essential, but quality time is important too. And that's not just sitting in the living room doing nothing all day.
*Someone who is truly committed and once I am made a priority in their life, I will remain in that spot never allowing other worldy things to come before me.
*A man who will not take advantage of my son's love. His love is one of the greatest blessings in life; not one to be tampered with.
*Someone who will walk with me even when I make mistakes, understanding that they make mistakes as well and I will continue to walk by their side too.
*A man who wants to share his life with me and not replace me with new and exciting things that come his way.
*A humble man.
*Someone who isn't afraid to love me and knows he can trust me.
*A Spiritual Leader.
*A man who will some day love me as Christ loved the Church.
*A man who will help me raise my son/children with the same values and morals that I believe in, understanding that the example they set is the strongest influence they could have on the child.
*A man who will still look into my eyes with so much love and admiration 10 years after being together.
*Someone who is beyond the stage of "finding themselves;" someone who already knows what they want in life so they know 100% for sure whether me and my son fit in their life BEFORE letting us in.
*Someone who means it when he says "forever."
*Someone who doesn't lose faith in us and always fights for our relationship along with me, no matter how challenging it may get.
*Someone who understands me when I'm happy and even when I'm upset, and doesn't try to make me feel guilty every time I'm hurt or provoke me to be even more upset.
*A man who will always keep open communication with me, so that I can learn how to give him what he needs from me better.
*Support and encouragement.
*Someone who lifts me up in prayer every day, throughout the day on his own, free will.
*A loyal man.
*Someone who doesn't let distance break us.
*Someone who values the family God gave him.


*A boyfriend right now.
*To be bombarded with text messages from a guy I just met.
*To be told how gorgeous a guy thinks I am every time I talk to them.
*A man to use my son as a way to get to my heart. I allowed that to happen once, never again. It's actually a turn off to me now.
*Someone willing to break my son's heart in order to save himself from heartache.
*A man who says one thing but does the other.
*Someone who holds grudges.
*A man with too much pride for himself.
*Someone who won't even try to hear what I'm saying to them; shuts me out.
*To be treated as a piece of meat.
*To have to compete for his attention.
*A man who drinks, not even socially.
*Anyone who thinks "boys will be boys" is an okay motto to live by.

.... I might add to the lists as time moves on. I'm really excited about this time I'm spending with God! He's helping me to see the woman I am and the woman I want to become. My cousin Heather thinks I have already started the book I want to write with these blogs.:) I love you, Heather!

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