Sunday, August 16, 2009

Low Hopes to High Hopes in 5.7 seconds!!

It's awesome how God works! This morning I was driving to church in a not-so-good mood, contemplating writing a blog when I got home that would entail some negative emotions I've been dealing with. But before Sunday School was even over my spirits were lifted again! God knew my heart, He knew what I needed, and He fulfilled that for me as soon as I gave it over to Him. I can not encourage everybody enough to call on God for EVERYTHING and He will never leave your side. He is the one eternal love you will ever know; the only unfailing love in this world.

It's been a pretty hard week for me. I have been doing really good lately staying strong but my weaknesses showed through a little by the middle of this week. I need to go through that sometimes, though, to keep me humble and mindful of the fact that I'm only human and I'm going to have my moments of failure. Just because I'm growing closer to God more and more does not mean that I am God, nor will I ever be. I still need HIM to pull me through the hard times.

I know this is short today, but that's all I've got right now. I don't feel like sharing what I was going to write this morning anymore. It wasn't bad but it's just not weighing on my heart like it had been. Maybe I'll write about it some other time but for now, I'm going to take advantage of my sleeping son and take a nap myself.:)

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